Monday, July 25, 2011

A moment of clarity.

"I don't believe in email. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up." - Carrie Bradshaw

So first things first. Guess who's camera has been dead for TWO weeks?! Yep, mine. And guess who's too lazy to charge it. Yep, me.
Worst. Blogger. Ever.
Isn't that quote just the cutest? It makes me laugh, because I'm kind of getting tired of all the technology. Its hard trying to keep up!
I have been pretty obsessed with watching Sex and the City on late night television lately. I'm in love with Carrie Bradshaw's life. The writing. The city life. The WARDROBE! (!!!!)

I mean, look at this closet!! Can't help but love a stylish, independent women.
So in the weirdest way, Carrie Bradshaw has inspired me to do something I didn't think I could do. Delete over half my facebook "friends". Now it may seem silly, but I feel so liberated. Why did I feel the need to have so many "friends"? A lot of these people, and I mean A LOT of them are people I went to high school with. Here's the thing. I didn't like the majority of these people while I was in school, so why would I want them to see how I live my life? These people were stuck up, mean, horrible, and so on--to so many people. People that were different. People that didn't play follow the leader. People that weren't wealthy. People that didn't have the right "last name". I'm sorry for such a rant on a stupid subject, but trust me when I say that it made me feel so liberating. I only want positive, caring, GENUINE people in my life. So, good bye to all of them. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Its been awhile

So I have been extremely busy that last week and a half working. outside. in the heat. So this is why I haven't posted a new entry. (If anyone has even noticed haha).
It's kind of been a hard day for me. My boss passed away a few days ago. He was a wonderful man, and today was is wake. It was hard. very hard. I've been trying to keep my chin up, so here are a few things that make me happy.

1. love the color of this scarf!

2. dying to add this album to my record collection!

3. Falling asleep to my favorite show.

4. Eating doughnuts. Sooo bad. But soooo good.

5. And of course, sweedish hasbeens. Maybe one day I will own a pair? :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Secret Garden

Over the weekend, I stayed with my boyfriend at his parent's house. They have the most lovely little garden around their house. I couldn't help but take a few pictures of it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

My weekend, according to instagram

1. Seeing Miss Ellie cuddle with Ryan.
2. Staying at the Zimmerman household.
3. and 4. grabbing a quick lunch before going to see transformers 3.
5. love before going to work.
6. playing with the cats.
7. Miss Zoey came by and said hello.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Quote of the week

"To be nobody-but-yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

I saw this via little chief honeybee ...and loved it!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lusting over:

So I am currently dying over this pair of Swedish Hasbeens.
I want these. I NEED these.
ughh..I don't think my feet will be sporting them anytime soon though.
These bad boys are going to set me back $250 big ones.
Le sigh...another day I suppose?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Red, White, and Blue

Hope everyone had a great fourth of July!
I decided to just have a nice lazy day, since it was my only day off all week.
But I did celebrate with all things red, white, and blue!
I had some yummy food.
Made red, white, and blue cupcakes.
Wore my favorite blue and white striped top.
And last but  not least, watched some fireworks!

p.s. has anyone else noticed that the art of "firework photography" is harder than it looks??

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Even though I work outside and its a million degress out, I love summer. 
I guess it's because it gets so cold for so long here in the midwest that I'll take any sort of warmth that I can get! I haven't been able to do as much as I would like to this summer because I've been working so much.
But here are a few pictures of my summer so far.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Momma Bird...

For about the last month or so a bird has been trying to build a nest on our meter box in the back yard.  I say "trying" because every time she gets it built, my step dad (Brian) takes it down. Let me tell you, this little gal is determined to have her nest here. So I talked Brian into leaving the nest alone (after about the fifth one built) and letting this momma have her babies. She has been sitting on her nest for about two weeks now. I have been curious as to how many eggs she has, so Idecided to take some pictures of her nest, since I'm too short to see for myself. (I was careful not to touch the nest, so I hope she didn't mind =] )

And sure enough, there are three perfect little eggs.

I can't wait to watch these baby birds grow!