"I don't believe in email. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up." - Carrie Bradshaw
So first things first. Guess who's camera has been dead for TWO weeks?! Yep, mine. And guess who's too lazy to charge it. Yep, me.
Worst. Blogger. Ever.
Isn't that quote just the cutest? It makes me laugh, because I'm kind of getting tired of all the technology. Its hard trying to keep up!
I have been pretty obsessed with watching Sex and the City on late night television lately. I'm in love with Carrie Bradshaw's life. The writing. The city life. The WARDROBE! (!!!!)
I mean, look at this closet!! Can't help but love a stylish, independent women.
So in the weirdest way, Carrie Bradshaw has inspired me to do something I didn't think I could do. Delete over half my facebook "friends". Now it may seem silly, but I feel so liberated. Why did I feel the need to have so many "friends"? A lot of these people, and I mean A LOT of them are people I went to high school with. Here's the thing. I didn't like the majority of these people while I was in school, so why would I want them to see how I live my life? These people were stuck up, mean, horrible, and so on--to so many people. People that were different. People that didn't play follow the leader. People that weren't wealthy. People that didn't have the right "last name". I'm sorry for such a rant on a stupid subject, but trust me when I say that it made me feel so liberating. I only want positive, caring, GENUINE people in my life. So, good bye to all of them. :)