Sunday, September 11, 2011


If anyone actually reads this, I'm sorry for my absents. The last few weeks have been very hard for me.  My boyfriend of seven years, Ryan, broke up with me.  My world has been turned upside down. The hurt, the pain, the you can imagine.  I don't want to be a downer, so I'll just leave it at that.

Today is a very heartbreaking day in history. 10 years. It doesn't feel like its been this long.  I swear it was just yesterday that I was sitting in my 7th grade history class, watching all of this unfold.  I was too young to understand how traumatic this would be on our nation. But I remember crying...feeling for every last person that was involved with this tragedy. So today I put my own pain aside. I didn't dwell on my own sorrow, my own loss. Instead, I prayed for the family members and the victims of 9-11. So here's to the heroes, the Innocent victims, the children that lost their parents, the family members that never got to bury their loved ones.  This is for everyone that gave their lives that day. Every last one of them. I will forever be thankful for their courage.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Life, As A Song

This song pretty much sums up my life.


I am currently addicted to:

The office, Kit Kats, and Sleep. Wow. Can you say unhealthy??

The Cup

Sometimes living in a small town sucks. Ok, I lied, it always sucks.  So a few weeks ago Ryan and I drove 45 minutes away to go see a movie and get cupcakes (duh!).  Ryan was really looking forward to seeing the new Transformers movie, mostly because it was located in Chicago.  Last year we watched scenes being filmed downtown...LAST YEAR! Holy cow it doesn't seem that long ago.
This is a picture I took last year, when Transformers was being filmed.
And here is a clip from the movie. Exciting isn't it?! Ok, maybe not as exciting as the time I watched Gossip Girl and Did you hear about the Morgans being filmed in NYC. ;)
But of course, my favorite part of the day was going to The Cup. Let me tell you! Ohhhh how yummy this place was!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today is Ryan and I's 7th anniversary.  Isn't that insane?!  I seriously don't know what I would do, or where I would be without him.  Since hes in Chicago right now, we celebrated a little last weekend.  Ryan surprised me with a trip to Jared's! :) I was pretty excited.  Ryan and I both agree that we shouldn't get engaged while I'm still in school (two more years! :( ).  Neither of us like the idea of a long engagement.  So instead he let me pick out a promise ring. Lets just say this, I LOVE IT. I never thought I could love a piece of jewelry so much, but I do.
In other news, I still haven't charged my camera's battery. I have no idea why? Shame on me.
In even more news, I quit my job. So now that I have almost a whole month of free time, I'm going to be visiting my love in Chicago! I'm so excited. It's been exactly a year since I moved home to go to school. Sometimes I miss Chicago terribly. Here are a few things I'm excited about doing while I'm there...

1.&2. Going to Navy Pier
6.&7. Giant Bean!
8. The Planitarium
9. Sheds Aquarium

I can't wait!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

A moment of clarity.

"I don't believe in email. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up." - Carrie Bradshaw

So first things first. Guess who's camera has been dead for TWO weeks?! Yep, mine. And guess who's too lazy to charge it. Yep, me.
Worst. Blogger. Ever.
Isn't that quote just the cutest? It makes me laugh, because I'm kind of getting tired of all the technology. Its hard trying to keep up!
I have been pretty obsessed with watching Sex and the City on late night television lately. I'm in love with Carrie Bradshaw's life. The writing. The city life. The WARDROBE! (!!!!)

I mean, look at this closet!! Can't help but love a stylish, independent women.
So in the weirdest way, Carrie Bradshaw has inspired me to do something I didn't think I could do. Delete over half my facebook "friends". Now it may seem silly, but I feel so liberated. Why did I feel the need to have so many "friends"? A lot of these people, and I mean A LOT of them are people I went to high school with. Here's the thing. I didn't like the majority of these people while I was in school, so why would I want them to see how I live my life? These people were stuck up, mean, horrible, and so on--to so many people. People that were different. People that didn't play follow the leader. People that weren't wealthy. People that didn't have the right "last name". I'm sorry for such a rant on a stupid subject, but trust me when I say that it made me feel so liberating. I only want positive, caring, GENUINE people in my life. So, good bye to all of them. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Its been awhile

So I have been extremely busy that last week and a half working. outside. in the heat. So this is why I haven't posted a new entry. (If anyone has even noticed haha).
It's kind of been a hard day for me. My boss passed away a few days ago. He was a wonderful man, and today was is wake. It was hard. very hard. I've been trying to keep my chin up, so here are a few things that make me happy.

1. love the color of this scarf!

2. dying to add this album to my record collection!

3. Falling asleep to my favorite show.

4. Eating doughnuts. Sooo bad. But soooo good.

5. And of course, sweedish hasbeens. Maybe one day I will own a pair? :)